Acupuncture for muscle and joint conditions

Improve mobility and function with this effective treatment

Orthopedic Acupuncture treatment influences the neuromuscular system, promoting myofascial release and improving muscle function and coordination. Reduced trigger point activation through needling also relieves pain and promotes muscle relaxation. It is very common to notice a considerable reduction in tension and pain within only a few treatments.

Orthopedic conditions that respond to Acupuncture

Tension headaches and migraines

Back pain

Knee pain due to injury or degeneration

Shoulder pain and rotator cuff injuries

Neck pain and restricted mobility

Greater trochanteric bursitis

Sacroiliac joint pain


Hamstring tightness 

Achilles tendonitis 

Plantar fasciitis

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Tennis/golf elbow

Acupuncture and Dry Needling

"Dry Needling" is a term coined by Janet Travell, MD in the mid twentieth century to describe a technique by which hypodermic needles were used to diffuse trigger points within muscles. The "dry" aspect of the term refers to the fact that there was no medicine or liquid contained within the needle.

One of the most commonly held misbeliefs regarding Acupuncture treatment is that Acupuncture only works within a system of specific Acupuncture points in order to affect the flow of Qi. This is untrue. For thousands of years, Chinese Medicine practitioners have needled into "ashi" points within the tissue. These points are the same tight, ropy bands that Western Medicine refers to as "trigger points".

Many Acupuncture practitioners have taken advanced training in orthopedics and trigger and motor point release. They perform these techniques as part of their treatment, combining it with the concepts of Chinese Medicine for a complete and highly effective holistic treatment. The ability to release taut bands of muscle through the use of needles is a powerful technique avaiable to MDs, Physiotherapists and Acupuncturists alike.

Cupping Therapy

Stimulating the body's innate healing

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, cupping is believed to promote the flow of Qi (vital energy) and blood in the body. By applying suction, cupping is thought to remove stagnation and stimulate the movement of energy and fluids, helping to restore balance. 

Along with increasing blood flow and oxygenation, cupping also helps release restrictions and adhesions in fascia and tissues as it pulls and stretches allowing for increased pliability and decreased tone.